A strain can happen in any muscle or tendon and can cause pain. It may also limit movement in the affected muscle group. A muscle strain usually occurs when undue pressure is put on muscles in our daily activities.
Minor injuries can only over-stretch the muscle or its tendon whereas severe injuries can lead to a partial or complete tear of the tendon.
The common signs and symptoms depend on the severity of a muscle strain which is as follows:
- Sudden pain or tenderness
- Swelling, bruising, or redness
- Soreness
- Pain even at rest
- Pain when the specific muscle is in use
- A ‘knotted-up’ feeling
- Inability to use the muscle, limited motion
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle spasms or cramps
One of the most common sites for a muscle strain is the back. A back muscle strain usually happens due to overstretching or over-usage of muscle. Those people whose work involves repetitive movements might develop chronic muscle strain injuries. Muscle strain can be acute or chronic.
An acute strain can occur when your muscle tears suddenly which can happen while jumping, running, slipping, or lifting something heavy. An acute strain may occur as a result of: –
- Poor flexibility
- Over-exertion
- Fatigue
- Poor conditioning
- Not warming up before any physical activity
A chronic muscle strain is generally the result of repetitive movements or repetitive injuries when you stress a muscle by repeating the same motion again and again. It can be due to sports, poor posture, or holding back and neck in an awkward position for a long time.
The commonly prescribed treatment for muscle strain is pain killers but these medicines only block out the pain without addressing the root cause of the problem which is the injury.
Over 90% of all muscle injuries are caused by strains and the back is one of the most common sites for a strain. Here are some treatments that focus on repairing damaged tissue.
Physical therapy along with medical movements will heal damaged tissue and improve muscle function.
Muscle Strain Exercise
A muscle strain is caused by overusing a muscle or using it in the wrong way and while rest is essential during the initial stage, it is equally important to transition to the ‘active recovery’ stage. Spine specialists will suggest stretching and flexibility exercises based on the severity of your muscle strain so that you don’t cause additional damage to the injured muscle.
Rehabilitation Muscle Strain Exercises
As your muscle strain heals, it is important to keep it flexible to prevent secondary problems such as a stiff back. Spine specialists will recommend exercises that you can continue to practice in order to make sure that the strained muscle heals completely so that there is no chance of a re-injury at the same location.
If the pain from a strained back muscle keeps increasing or if you start to experience bladder issues, you should consult a spine specialist right away for a definite diagnosis
Muscle Strain Prevention
- Avoid injury by stretching daily.
- Stretch after your exercise regime.
- Start an exercise program after consulting your physician.
- Do a warm-up routine before strenuous exercises, sports, etc.
- Maintain a healthy weight as obesity can stress your muscles.
- Always maintain good posture.
For an accurate back muscle strain diagnosis, the doctor will check your medical history and do a physical examination. It is important to establish whether the muscle has a partial or a complete tear.
The injury is graded as grade 1, 2, or 3. Grade 1 is a mild strain while grade 3 is a more severe strain.
How Vertecare Spine Diagnoses Muscle Strain
Detailed history, Clinical examination and investigations (if needed to rule out other causes)

Muscle Strain FAQs
A muscle strain is the tearing or stretching of muscle fibers.
Pain at rest, muscle weakness, swelling, bruising or redness due to an injury, and inability to use the muscle are the typical signs of a muscle strain.
The duration of recovery is based on the severity of a muscle strain. Mostly, it heals within a few weeks but if there is a severe muscle strain, it will take a longer time to recover/heal.